Miss Universe candidates visit Ahuachapán geothermal power plant, El Salvador

Energy Disrupter

Miss Universe candidates visit Ahuachapán geothermal power plant, El Salvador Ahuachapán Geothermal Plant, El Salvador (source: ThinkGeoEnergy / creative commons)

Candidates for the 2023 Miss Universe visited the Ahuachapán Geothermal Power Plant, El Salvador, providing unique exposure for the country’s geothermal sector.

In what is an incredibly unique moment for the geothermal industry, 14 of the 88 candidates for Miss Universe 2023 visited the Ahuachapán Geothermal Power Plant in El Salvador, which is currently hosting the pageant. The candidates spent about an hour touring the geothermal facilities and learning about the history and importance of geothermal energy development in Salvador.

The candidates were also taken on a tour of the facility’s control room, engine room, cooling towers, and other areas of the power plant. Before the tour ended, the candidates left their signatures on a colorful mural in the plant’s premises.

“It has been a very interesting tour. We have learned how this country produces 100% renewable energy, using natural resources and respecting the environment,” commented Lisbeth Valverde, the candidate from Costa Rica.

Operated by LaGeo, the first unit of the Ahuachapán Geothermal Power Plant went online in 1975. The second unit followed in 1978 and the third in 1981. It currently has a total installed power generation capacity of 95 MWe. Along with the Berlin geothermal power plant, geothermal currently accounts for about 25% the energy consumption in El Salvador.

Expansion plans are already underway with the construction of two geothermal fields in San Vicente and in Chinameca, which will add 35 MW of capacity to the national energy mix.

Ahuachapán Geothermal Power Plant by LaGeo in El Salvador (source: ThinkGeoEnergy, creative commons)

Source: Diario Libre