Aardwarmte Vogelaer signs contract for second geothermal plant in Netherlands
Energy Disrupter
Aardwarmte Vogelaer has signed a contract with VB Geo Projects for the planned second geothermal heating installation in Netherlands.
VB Geo Projects (VB) has been commissioned by Aardwarmte Vogelaer for the design and execution of the surface facilities and underground transport pipelines for Vogalaer 2, the second geothermal heat project of Aardwarmte Vogelaer. This will supply geothermal heat to another 19 customers who had been previously suppled with geothermal hat by the Greenwell Westland project, which had been taken over by Aardwarmte Vogelaer in 2022.
Work on laying the transport pipeline will start at the beginning of April and is expected to continue until the end of September.
Plans for the expansion of the company’s geothermal heating capacity with a second installation had been reported in early 2023. The second installation will be placed next the company’s first geothermal facility which is already supplying renewable heat to 19 companies.
The geothermal heat transport network consists of a connecting pipeline from the new Aardwarmte Vogelaer location on Arckelweg in Poeldijk to a location on Van Ockenburglaan in Honselersdijk. It concerns a route of 1.7 km, the largest part of which will be constructed by means of 7 directional drillings. Along the way, various customers will be connected who have previously been connected to the Greenwell Westland network.
Both Vogalaer projects will be linked so that heat can be supplied for both the existing customers and the new customers of the second installation. A number of preparations related to the new project will be carried out during a maintenance stop in the summer on the existing Aardwarmte Vogelaer facility.
Source: VB Geo Projects