ENDE awards feasibility study contract for Laguna Colorada geothermal, Bolivia
Energy Disrupter
Bolivia state company ENDE has awarded the Laguna Colorado feasibility study contract to Asociación Mannvit-Verkis, a consortium of Icelandic firms.
The Bolivian state power company La Empresa Nacional de Electricidad (ENDE) has awarded the contact for the feasibility study of the 100-MW Laguna Colorada geothermal project in Bolivia. A consortium between Iceland-based engineering groups and geothermal specialists Mannvit and Verkis, Asociación Mannvit-Verkis, won the bidding.
Asociación Mannvit-Verkis was awarded the contract with an offer of USD 430,875. Steam S.R.L and Asociación Enex – Geoindustry also participated in the tender.
More specifically, the tender was published for the “Market Feasibility Study, Conceptual Engineering Evaluation, and Analysis of Business Alternatives of the Laguna Colorada 100 MW Geothermal Plant Project.” A second call for bidders for the tender had to be conducted after the first call yielded no qualified bids.
The Laguna Colorada project site is located at around 4700 meters above sea level. Development of a 50-MW power plant was planned following the success of a pilot plant project at the Sol de Mañana geothermal field, with the opportunity to scale up to 100 MW. The 5-MW pilot plant was built by a joint venture of Sacyr and Ormat Technologies. It uses binary technology and is supplying power to the National Interconnected System (SIN).
Source: ENDE