Busy drilling program for Island Innovator

Energy Disrupter

Fossil Energy – Drilling

Island Drilling’s Island Innovator has successfully finalized the BP7 (BP11) Western Isles well for Dana Petroleum.

In the meantime the Island Innovator has started drilling the Orlando on behalf of Tailwind Energy.

The good HSE performance and low levels of rig and operations non-productive time was particularly recognized as impressive by Dana Petroleum.

The Innovator also successfully installed a completion and a subsea tree by use of the heave compensated crane.

After finalizing the work in the Orlando field the Island Innovator will be prepared to sail towards South Africa.

Eco Atlantic Oil & Gas contracted the semi-sub to drill the Gazania-1 well, located in the Orange Basin.

Original Source: https://ocean-energyresources.com/2022/07/13/busy-drilling-program-for-island-innovator/