Gasunie checks in with market on hydrogen infrastructure
Energy Disrupter
Gasunie from the Netherlands is inviting the industry to get acquainted with the national hydrogen backbone and hydrogen storage facility.
With the hydrogen backbone, Gasunie is building a national network connecting carbon-free hydrogen supply and demand: five Dutch industrial regions will be connected to the production sites, to hydrogen storage facilities and to foreign industrial regions nearby.
Gasunie believes it is important to develop future transport and storage services together with the intended users, so that these services meet market needs as closely as possible. By holding a market consultation, Gasunie wants to investigate the future supply and demand of carbon-free hydrogen.
The consultation will start on October 1st with a webinar for potential hydrogen suppliers and customers. In this webinar, Gasunie will explain the development of the national hydrogen backbone and hydrogen storage facility, including the commercial and technical aspects involved. Anyone planning to make use of the hydrogen backbone or storage facility is more than welcome to attend.
After the webinar, Gasunie will publish two questionnaires, one on the backbone and one on storage, so insights can be gained into the needs of the market. Based on the responses to the questionnaires, Gasunie will develop an appropriate service package. The webinar, the questionnaires and the development of the products involved will lay the groundwork for securing the commitment of potential users for the further development of the hydrogen backbone and hydrogen storage facility. The follow-up steps will be explained in more detail during the webinar.
Interested parties can register for the webinar at The last day to register is Friday 25 September 2020.
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