Strategic partnership with Egypt’s Suez Canal Economic Zone  

Energy Disrupter

General – Green Hydrogen

A consortium of three Dutch companies – HYGRO, SoluForce, and DEBCO – has entered into a strategic partnership with Egypt’s Suez Canal Economic Zone (SCZONE) to develop and distribute green hydrogen.

Building on the success of the Dutch project Duwaal Wind to Wheel, this new initiative will also incorporate solar energy to create a sustainable hydrogen ecosystem in Egypt.

Supported by the Dutch government’s financial backing (RVO), the consortium signed a cooperation agreement with SCZONE to explore the feasibility of replicating the Dutch Duwaal project at one of SCZONE’s ports.

The project’s innovative ‘Hub iBundle and Satellite’ strategy integrates wind and solar power with electrolysis for hydrogen production. The hydrogen is transported through pipelines to a central hub, stored, and distributed to satellite fuelling stations using iBundles, enabling hydrogen mobility across the region.

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