Seatrium hires KBR on topsides job

Energy Disrupter

Fossil Energy – Topsides Brazil

U.S.-based engineering and construction giant KBR has been hired by Seatrium to develop topsides facilities for two floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) units, being designed for Petrobras’ Atapu and Sepia fields in the Santos Basin, offshore Brazil.

Under the terms of the contracts, KBR will provide Seatrium with detailed engineering services and technical engineering procurement support for the topsides of P-84 and P-85 FPSOs, which are part of Petrobras’ new generation of FPSO platforms.

These platforms are known for their high production capacity and sustainable practices. Each will be capable of producing 225,000 barrels of oil per day and compressing, treating, and re-injecting 10 Mm3 of gas per day.

In line with Petrobras’ all-electric concept, the design focuses on efficient power generation and optimized process plants, greatly enhancing energy efficiency.

The FPSOs will also integrate advanced technologies to minimize environmental impact, including zero routine flaring and venting, variable speed drives, and CO2 capture measures, aimed at significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions compared to a design that does not include these technologies.

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