Dogger Bank host almost 5000 delegates across 22 supply chain events

Energy Disrupter

Wind Energy – Dogger Bank

Suppliers to the renewable energy sector have been able to strengthen their engagement with Dogger Bank Wind Farm and discover new opportunities.

Following the Dogger Bank Wind Farm ‘Meet the Buyer’ event on November 23, which took place at Hardwick Hall Hotel in Sedgefield, NOF and Dogger Bank Wind Farm has announced that nearly 5000 delegates have now attended 22 supply chain engagement events over the last five years.

The 22 events, all organised by NOF – the business development membership organisation for the energy sector – were designed to educate businesses on the opportunities created by the project, driving innovation and building new relationships and partnerships across the offshore wind sector.

Dogger Bank Wind Farm, which is located more than 130km off the coast of North East England, will be the world’s largest offshore wind farm once complete. It will have a total capacity of 3.6GW, which is enough to power around six million homes in the UK with renewable electricity and is approximately equivalent to 5% of the UK’s electricity demand.

The wind farm is a joint venture between SSE Renewables, the lead operator for the development and construction of the wind farm, Equinor, who will be lead operator for the for the duration of the wind farm’s operational phase, and Vårgrønn, who bring specialist offshore wind expertise to the project. Equinor will operate the wind farm for its expected operational life of around 35 years from a state-of-the-art Operations and Maintenance (O&M) base at Port of Tyne in South Shields.

Based in Durham, North East England, NOF is a national membership organisation working with organisations of all sizes across the energy industry supply chain, including offshore wind, hydrogen, carbon capture & storage (CCS), nuclear and oil and gas. The organisation has more than 35 years of heritage and connects suppliers to major developers, operators and tier one contractors, to support their energy projects.

NOF has supported Dogger Bank Wind Farm with a wide variety of events. These have included a number of ‘Meet the Buyer’ events, tours of the Port of Tyne, an O&M Innovation Day with the Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult, which was held at Port Training Services at Port of Blyth, and an O&M Innovation Workshop at The Catalyst in Newcastle upon Tyne, which focused on robotics.

In addition, during 2020 – when it was not possible to host face to face events due to Coronavirus restrictions – NOF delivered 10 webinars involving tier one contractors, to assist Dogger Bank Wind Farm and its potential suppliers. Tier one contractors included: Jan de Nul; OHT; DEME Offshore; Jones Bros; ABB; GE Renewables; NKT; Aibel; Saipem; Sif and Smulders.

NOF also delivered the Dogger Bank Wind Farm O&M Base Opening Ceremony & Drinks Reception in March 2023, to celebrate the launch of the base. This was attended by Minister of State for Energy Security and Net Zero, Graham Stuart MP, and other dignitaries.

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