Vattenfall awarded another German wind power project
Energy Disrupter
Wind Energy – Off Germany
Vattenfall has obtained the right to develop the N-6.6 offshore wind power project off the German North Sea coast after having exercised its right of entry.

Together with the project N-7.2 in the same area, the two projects are expected to generate fossil-free electricity corresponding to the consumption of more than 1.7 million German households.
As part of the tender process for the construction of a large wind farm off the German island of Borkum in the German North Sea coast, Vattenfall has informed German authority that it is exercising right of entry to the project, thereby obtaining the right to develop and construct the wind farm.
The project, also called ‘Nordlicht II’, will fully developed have an output of 630 MW. In September 2022, Vattenfall exercised its right of entry for another project, located in the same area, the N-7.2 or ‘Nordlicht I’. With an combined installed capacity of 1.610 GW, the two projects can produce enough electricity corresponding to the yearly consumption of more than 1.7 million German households.
Following a final investment decision by Vattenfall, ‘Nordlicht I’ can be connected to the German electricity grid sometime in 2027 and ‘Nordlicht II’ in 2028.
The project was originally developed under the name ‘Atlantis I’. Vattenfall acquired the project in 2017, but when a new offshore wind tendering system was put into place, the area was auctioned out again. Vattenfall holds the right of entry.
The project is located 85 kilometres off the island of Borkum on the German North Sea coast.
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