Teal West to be developed as subsea tie-back to Anasuria FPSO
Energy Disrupter

Fossil Energy – Teal West Subsea Tieback
Anasuria Hibiscus UK has received a Development and Production Works Consent from the UK’s North Sea Transition Authority for its field development plan for the Teal West subsea tieback to the Anasuria FPSO in the central North Sea.
Approval for the environmental statement came through early in July.
The next stage will be for the partners (including Neo Energy) to take final investment decision on the project, with first oil anticipated by late 2024/early 2025.
Anasuria Hibiscus UK plans to drill up to two production wells and one water injection well, spaced over three campaigns. These will be linked by new flowlines to the FPSO, where the oil will be offloaded to tankers.
Some of the produced gas will be used as fuel offshore with the remainder exported to shore via the Fulmar Gas Line.
The Teal West Field is 155 km northeast of Peterhead, Scotland, in 90 m water depth in Block 21/24d.
Original Source: https://ocean-energyresources.com/2023/08/07/teal-west-to-be-developed-as-subsea-tie-back-to-anasuria-fpso/