Menderes Geothermal plans geothermal drilling in Aydin, Türkiye
Energy Disrupter
Menderes Geothermal, a subsidiary of MB Holding, is planning a 1000m deep drilling well to be used as a production well in the Kösk district of Aydin, Türkiye.
Menderes Geothermal, a subsidiary of MB Holding, is planning a geothermal resource exploration drilling activity within the boundaries of a 3,352.88-Ha license area in the Kosk District in Aydin Province, Türkiye with operating license number J-550 belonging to the Company.
It has been reported on the website of the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change that the EIA process for the project in question has begun. It is stated that within the scope of the project, it is planned to drill a borehole with a depth of 1000 – 1100 meters. The total cost of the project is estimated at 8,000,000 TL.
With drilling, scientific data about the geological and tectonics of the underground will be obtained, including the chemical and physical properties of the geothermal fluid. Based on these results, the use of the well as a production or reinjection well in the geothermal power plant will be evaluated. If the desired efficiency for the production of the geothermal power plant is not obtained as a result of the obtained values, the drilling will be considered as a re-injection well.
Being “Turkey’s first private sector geothermal power plant investment”, DORA-1 GPP with a capacity of 8.5 MWe started production in May 2006. Following the commissioning of the Dora-1 facility, five geothermal power plant units were put into operation gradually, reaching a total installed power capacity of 70 MWe in the Salavatli Geothermal Field.
In Dora-1, Dora-2, Dora-3A, Dora-3B, and Dora-4 GPP facilities, which continue to produce electricity by Menderes Geothermal, electrical energy with a total capacity of 74 MWe is instantly transferred to the national grid.
Source: Ministry of Environment, Urbanization, and Climate Change via our Turkish language platform JeotermalHaberler