Webinar – The Supercritical/ Superhot Geothermal Frontier, April 28, 2023

Energy Disrupter

Webinar – The Supercritical/ Superhot Geothermal Frontier, April 28, 2023 Webinar announcement banner

Join this webinar with Dr. Bruce Hill, Chief Geoscientists for CATF and a presentation on supercritical/ superhot geothermal and what it offers.

As part of the regular Focus on Geothermal webinar series – a partnership of Enerchange and ThinkGeoEnergy, we are proud to host Dr. L. “Bruce” Hill is Chief Geoscientist for Clean Air Task Force (CATF) and international environmental NGO group focused on zero carbon energy.

He will be presenting “The Supercritical/ Superhot Geothermal Frontier (Why An NGO Group is Focused on Promoting Superhot Rock)”. Clean Air  Task Force (CATF) has been working on supercritical and superhot rock and released an interesting report on the topic in late 2022. The report can be accessed here.

Date: Friday, April 28, 2023
Time: 3:00 pm CEST (9:00 am EST)
Registration link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6303091573930071646

Dr. L. “Bruce” Hill is Chief Geoscientist for Clean Air Task Force (CATF) and international environmental NGO group focused on zero carbon energy.

Bruce has served as lead scientist for CATF scientific investigations and advocacy for over two decades in the areas of geothermal energy, geologic carbon storage,  diesel exposure, criteria pollutant control and atmospheric health sciences.

Bruce’s education includes a Ph.D. in geology from Stanford University where he studied the structure and geochemistry of an ophiolitic assemblage in northern California. He earned his B.A. in geology from the University of Vermont where he completed a thesis mapping the structural geology of eastern Taiwan, China.

Since 2016, he has focused on piloting a new program at CATF, superhot rock geothermal energy, a visionary advanced geothermal system that will tap the high energy heat–everywhere beneath our feet. In 2022, the project gained four more staff members, which seeks to enable a half dozen demonstration projects globally by 2030. (Superhot rock is a visionary advanced geothermal system that could provide competitive, energy-secure clean-firm power across the globe, extending the superhot conditions in near molten rock beyond to non-magmatic settings)

Previous to his work to initially develop the superhot rock project, his focus was in the field of U.S. and international carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology policy. In the process he helped organize U.S. – China bilateral discussions and led field study sessions for Chinese engineers on advanced geologic carbon storage technologies. He has been an advisor to the Gulf of Mexico Offshore Carbon Storage project and was a member of the U.S. Technical Advisory Group of the International Standards Organization (ISO) Technical Committee (TC )265 committee to develop CCS standards.

Bruce has over three decades of working experience in geologic and atmospheric sciences. In his capacity with CATF, Bruce has served on several federal advisory committees, testified before state and federal agencies and Congress. In the 1990s Bruce played an early role in field monitoring of rural particulate matter air pollution and haze, and in shaping federal air quality standards for particulate matter and for the related goal of reducing visual haze in national parks and wilderness areas. In the early 2000s his work focused on diesel pollution exposure assessments and public health consequences.

Bruce has 3 grown children and resides with his wife Victoria in New Hampshire’s White Mountains where he enjoys backcountry skiing, mountain biking and playing guitar.