Meet the Class of 2023: Shaping the Future of Wind Energy

Energy Disrupter

The wind sector is approaching a significant milestone this year with 1 terawatt of installed capacity worldwide, thanks to the dedication of governments, businesses, and communities to renewable energy. However, a diverse and inclusive workforce is also essential for the sector’s success. Hiring, retaining, and advancing women in the industry is critical for a sustainable and equitable energy transition. Women bring unique skills and perspectives to the industry, and diverse teams have been shown to be more effective and innovative. Achieving gender equality in the wind sector is not only a matter of fairness but also a strategic priority for growth and success. Creating an environment that supports women’s career development and fosters a culture of inclusion and diversity is crucial for the industry’s future.

The Women in Wind Global Leadership Program was created to address the gender imbalance in the wind energy industry and empower women to take on leadership roles. Women are underrepresented in the sector, comprising only a small percentage of the workforce, especially in senior positions. This underrepresentation not only limits career opportunities for women but also hinders the industry’s potential for growth and innovation. The Women in Wind Global Leadership Program aims to change this by identifying and supporting talented women in the industry and providing them with the tools, resources, and network they need to excel. By doing so, the program aims to create a more diverse and inclusive industry that can drive positive change and innovation in the transition to renewable energy.