What cranes to use for large turbine blades?
Energy Disrupter
Wind Energy – Larger Blades
TNO in the Netherlands will start two new research projects on how to install large turbine blades.

Wind turbine blades are still getting larger. Although larger blades decrease the costs, they also lead to challenges in installation and maintenance. How to install such large blades? What cranes to use and what ships to use? To tackle this, TNO will start two new research projects on this matter with its partners.
In the ‘Tetrahedron 8 Prototype – Cutting cost in offshore wind lifting’ project TNO will be working with Tetrahedron, Jack-Up Barge, GE and Shell to test a novel crane concept that is able to lift at higher altitudes.
Simultaneously, TNO will be working with We4Ce in the AdapTIP project (Offshore Adaptive blade-Tip for Improving the turbine Productivity) to develop and test a sectional blade. With sectional blades, hence smaller parts, installation and maintenance costs can be reduced.
Original Source: https://ocean-energyresources.com/2022/07/08/what-cranes-to-use-for-large-turbine-blades/