NYS Home Energy Assistance Program May Help To Cool Your Home This Summer – wnbf.com
Energy Disrupter
While I admit that the time period between mid-spring to fall is my favorite time of the year, the excessive heat that we experience throughout the season is something I’m not a fan of.
Sure, when I was younger, the hotter, the better was my answer to a scorching summer day. But I guess as we age, the tolerance for hot, muggy days is low. You don’t want to be around me on one of those hot days if the air-conditioning goes out. My mind goes to mush.

Did you know that The New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance has a Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) that can assist residents heat and cool their homes? The Cooling Assistance program began on May 2nd, 2022.
Their website states that those eligible for the program “may receive one Cooling Assistance benefit per applicant household for the purchase and installation of an air conditioner or a fan to help your home stay cool.”
If your home can’t safely accept an air-conditioner installation, a fan will be provided, not to exceed $800 dollars with installation – one air-conditioner or a fan per household.
So, what are the criteria for eligibility? The Home Energy Assistance Program states that your household may be eligible under certain circumstances, including if the household’s gross monthly income is at or below the current income guidelines for your household size. Also, if the household doesn’t have a working air-conditioner or if there is one, it’s five years old or older.
For complete qualifications, visit the Home Energy Assistance Program website, and click on the cooling Assistance Tab. And while you are on the site, there are other assistance programs available for eligible residents for electricity, natural gas, oil, coal, propane, wood, wood pellets, kerosene, and corn.
via Home Energy Assistance Program
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Original Source: https://wnbf.com/nys-home-energy-assistance-program-may-help-to-cool-your-home-this-summer/