Efficiency Vermont offering free energy saving kits – Addison County Independent
Energy Disrupter

A FREE ENERGY saving kit from Efficiency Vermont includes LED light bulbs, low-flow shower heads and, in honor of spring, some even include seeds to plant in your gardens.
VERMONT — Efficiency Vermont is offering free energy savings kits to qualifying Vermonters to encourage them to take a few simple steps to begin reducing their energy use, their bills, and their carbon footprint.
Energy efficiency is the most cost-effective way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, Efficiency Vermont says.
The kits contain easy-to-install energy saving measures, and for a limited time also include wildflower seed packets from American Meadows for customers to support pollinator habitat around their homes.
“Climate change is a big problem and can feel overwhelming, but we can begin planting the seeds of change now,” said Jody Lesko, Efficiency Vermont Program Director. “We want to help our customers feel empowered by acting locally and taking even the smallest steps to make a positive impact; because those first small steps can lead to bigger steps down the road.”
The free kits have a retail value of about $47, and when installed will generate a roughly equal amount in annual energy cost savings. The kits include:
- 10 LED bulbs (40/60/75-watt equivalents)
- 1 low-flow showerhead
- 2 faucet aerators
- A bonus smart bulb and/or wildflower seed packets, while supplies last.
Vermonters (outside of Burlington) who have not already received a kit, can request one at efficiencyvermont.com/kits.
In addition to ordering an Energy Savings Kit, there are other simple steps Vermonters can take to improve their home’s energy efficiency and lower carbon emissions:
- Seal up air leaks around places like windows, doors, the attic, basement, and foundation.
- Clean dust and dirt from around your refrigerator filter and bathroom fans.
- Unplug electronics and small appliances when not in use, or purchase an Advanced Power Strip.
- When your household appliances or electronics need to be replaced, shop for the most energy efficient models within your budget by looking for the Energy Star logo first.
- Research bigger investments now (like getting a heat pump, replacing a water heater, or weatherizing your home) so you’re ready if your equipment unexpectedly fails, or when the time comes to upgrade.
For more ideas and advice, visit www.efficiencyvermont.com and check out “How To” guides on the Blog. Efficiency Vermont customer support experts are also available by calling 1-888-921-5990. They can answer questions, provide advice, and connect customers to incentives and other resources to support Vermonters ready to take their next step toward a low-carbon future.
As the nation’s first energy efficiency utility, Efficiency Vermont has helped Vermont avoid over 13 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions and has received the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Energy Star program Partner of the Year – Sustained Excellence award for the last six consecutive years.
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Original Source: https://www.addisonindependent.com/2022/05/12/efficiency-vermont-offering-free-energy-saving-kits/