EDF Renewables plans 1GW floating offshore wind Celtic Sea project
Energy Disrupter

EDF Renewables is forming a joint venture partnership with developer DP Energy to deliver an up to 1GW offshore wind farm spanning English and Welsh waters, in the Celtic Sea.
The developers have identified a 1,500km2 area of interest off the south-west of the UK, some 70km from shore, as a potentially suitable site for the up to 1000MW Gwynt Glas Gwynt Glas (1000MW) Offshoreoff west Wales and south-west England, UK, Europe Click to see full details floating offshore wind project.
Initial remote aerial surveys for marine mammals and birds have been taking place since early 2021. The project team will be consulting with key stakeholders and interested parties in the coming weeks to refine the proposed site location.
UK seabed landlord, the Crown Estate, plans to award leasing rights for up to 4GW of floating offshore wind capacity in the Celtic Sea in 2023 under a plan announced last November.
Three floating offshore wind projects have already been approved to be part of the integrated spatial design and habitats regulations assessment (HRA) the Crown Estate plans to run ahead of the market tender.
EDF Renewables UK head of offshore wind Scott Sutherland said this was a great start to 2022 for the company. “We firmly believe Gwynt Glas will be a catalyst for further supply chain growth across the UK,” he added.
“Floating offshore wind is an exciting new technology and will bring much needed inward investment which can regenerate coastal economies and communities,” Sutherland said, highlighting the opportunities arising from all the UK projects EDF Renewables is involved in.
“Each member of the DP Energy UK team based in Pembroke Dock was born and raised in Wales and are passionate about supporting the growth of a new energy sector that can sustain skilled, well-paid jobs for future generations in coastal regions, in Wales and in the south west of England,” said Simon De Pietro, chief executive of DP Energy.