Onshore and offshore US wind pipeline surpasses 39GW – ACP

Energy Disrupter

Latest figures reveal onshore and offshore wind together account for more than 39GW of the capacity in the US’s 109GW clean power pipeline.

According to the American Clean Power Association, onshore wind represents a 23% share of the capacity, while offshore represents 13%. Solar takes the lion’s share, at 54%, with battery storage at 9%.

In total, according to the Clean Power Quarterly 2021 Q3 Market Report, as of 30 September the US’s 109,596MW pipeline amounts to 38,122MW under construction and 71,474MW in advanced development.

New projects

During the third quarter, project owners commissioned seven new wind projects out of 49 new clean-power projects across 20 states. New utility-scale solar projects numbered 34, and there were eight energy storage projects installed.

Cumulative wind capacity increased to 129,256MW by the end of the quarter – up 1,551MW from the end of Q2 2021.

Wind currently has the largest share of clean power capacity on the grid, according to the report.

In all, the US clean energy industry installed 3,336 MW of new capacity during the third quarter, with additions totalling 15,317 MW in the first nine months of the year.

By the end of the quarter, GE had overtaken Vestas for year-to-date wind power installations, capturing 34% of the market. Vestas ranked second with 30% of installations, followed by Nordex (20%) and Siemens Gamesa (16%).

In total, the US now has 186,674 MW of operating clean power capacity, enough to power the equivalent of 52 million American homes.

The ACP counts capacity as being commissioned only once the full project is brought online.

Future build

Of the 4,882 MW of clean power that began construction in the third quarter, wind accounted for 58%, followed by solar with 34%, and storage with the remaining 8%.

Project developers reported 71,474 MW of clean power capacity in advanced development at the end of September, with 9,993MW of this capacity entering an advanced stage of development in the third quarter.

Total advanced development activity for clean power projects now spans 580 project phases across 48 states and 16 offshore wind projects in federal waters.

“Clean power is affordable, and the market is responding. Our report shows customer demand remains high and growing for clean power. Our industry not only provides good-paying jobs but also is a key part of solving the climate crisis,” said Heather Zichal, ACP’s CEO.