Webinars share ideas to reduce home energy bills – Cumberland Times-News

Energy Disrupter

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Webinar series helps to reduce energy bills

CUMBERLAND — The University of Maryland Extension is offering a webinar series to address how energy is used in homes and what simple changes can be made to reduce home energy bills.

Each webinar will highlight practical, proven and cost-effective strategies to reduce home energy use through various conservation and efficiency measures. The series will show participants how to optimize the energy performance of their home, reduce their carbon footprint and save money on energy bills. Learn how energy audits can help plan for future energy and comfort home improvements.

Energy Extension Specialist Drew Schiavone will discuss how to better manage your personal electricity usage; low and no-cost solutions to make your home more energy-efficient; and various rebates and cost savings programs to improve energy performance.

Webinars will be offered every two weeks, beginning Nov. 3. Visit go.umd.edu/HomeEnergyWebinar.

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Original Source: https://www.times-news.com/community/webinars-share-ideas-to-reduce-home-energy-bills/article_dbf906a0-365f-11ec-aacd-afe3a7c8c661.html