Worley wins Jansz-Io Compression deal with Chevron

Energy Disrupter

Fossil energy – compression project

Chevron Australia has awarded Worley a contract for the provision of engineering and construction management services in support of Chevron’s Jansz-Io Compression (J-IC) project.

Part of the original development plan for the Chevron-operated Gorgon Project, J-IC will use subsea compression technology to maintain long-term natural gas supply from the Jansz-Io field to the three existing LNG trains and domestic gas plant on Barrow Island.

The Jansz-Io gas field is located around 200 km offshore from the north-western coast of Western Australia and supplies the Gorgon natural gas facility on Barrow Island.

Under the contract, Worley will provide detailed engineering, design and construction management services for the J-IC project’s power transmission and communication components.

The contract follows Worley’s successful completion of the pre-FEED and FEED phases of the project. The services will be executed by Worley’s Perth office with support from Worley’s Global Integrated Delivery team.

Original Source: https://ocean-energyresources.com/2021/08/23/worley-wins-jansz-io-compression-deal-with-chevron/