EU gives positive assessment of Belgium’s Energy Island

Energy Disrupter

General – Energy Island

The European Commission has given a positive assessment of Belgium’s recovery and resilience plan which includes €540 million to be allocated to financing innovative hydrogen projects and the construction of a multi-functional energy platform.

The purpose of the construction is to connect 2.1 GW of offshore wind electricity within the Prinses Elisabeth Zone (PEZ) of the Belgian North Sea.

The Belgian government plans to hold two tenders within the PEZ in 2023 and 2025, with commissioning all projects by 2028.

The government were originally planning to expand the Modular Offshore Grid (MOG) to facilitate connections to shore, but is now considering a ‘multifunctional energy island’.

The island will be based on a concrete structure filled with sand, spanning five hectares, and located 40 km offshore. 

Elia will be responsible for the transmission aspects of the hub and will form a joint venture to develop and fund the platform.

Pre-feasibility, design, and environmental studies have already started with the aim of fast tracking development so that the island can be completed in 2025.

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