Opinion: Efficiency will help Dominion reduce costs and meet clean energy goals – The Virginian-Pilot

Energy Disrupter

While immediate relief is necessary for households through rental and utility assistance, the best tool available to combat the energy burden is improving a home’s energy efficiency, such as by adding insulation and sealing cracks and openings that allow air leakage. In fact, energy efficiency can reduce low-income household energy burdens by about 25%. Today, energy efficiency programs, generally run by utilities, provide incentives to help Virginia customers make upgrades, improving their comfort and lowering their energy bills. But these programs could do even more.

Original Source: https://www.pilotonline.com/opinion/columns/vp-ed-column-bartolomei-0702-20210701-xznw7wdojnhf7b2m3xrc3ts6ke-story.html