Hybrid OSD-IMT9604 ‘Mini SOV’ fills gap

Energy Disrupter

Wind energy – service vessels

OSD-IMT from the Netherlands recently introduced the OSD-IMT9604 with a methanol fuelled mini-SOV.

This LOA 51 m design provides comfort for technicians and crew and offers wide operability. The mini SOV fills the gap between (large) CTV’s and the big SOV’s.

It is equipped with a Z-bridge Bring-2-Work system, which can work both as a technicians transfer system and as a motion compensated crane.

For light weather conditions the daughter craft can be used to transfer up to 2 windfarm service crews.

Accommodation space of up to 24 technicians, a covered storage area for spare parts and a battery hybrid power generation system driving the propulsion system make for a full-fledged DP2 SOV.

Original Source: https://ocean-energyresources.com/2021/06/04/hybrid-osd-imt9604-mini-sov-fills-gap/