Can Toys Be Recycled? 🧸 – Recycled Plastic Toys Options

Energy Disrupter

Can Toys Be Recycled? 🧸: when you look back at your childhood, one of the very best experience you may have is getting a new toy, along with spending time with your family and friends, of course. The sheer joy and excitement in getting an amazing new toy that you have been waiting and hoping for is something you will never forget. Of course, like many things in life, the hot toy of today could become the next unwanted item of tomorrow. In 2021, with already countless amounts of toys made from plastic, you may be asking “can toys be recycled?”

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As toys are so often made of mixtures of materials such as various types of plastic, metals etc., they tend to be a nightmare to recycle. It is fair to say that all of the toys not given to someone else, passed down to a junior sibling or “regifted”, 99 per cent plus will, unfortunately, end up in general waste and eventually in landfill.

Of course, in an environment where incineration is used, these items may at least create electricity. But in Australia, the vast majority do indeed end up in landfill.

So, in 2021, can you recycle toys?

Can you put toys in the recycling bin? The answer to that would have to be no.

Up to now, the only real option to recycle toys was to break them up into various items yourself. The website explains:

“To recycle children’s toys, you’ll most likely need to break them apart into separate materials. While metal and electronics components can be easier to recycle, toy pieces made of plastic and wood may be more difficult.

“Recycling plastic toys is difficult. You are unlikely to find municipal programs that accept them. The main problem is identifying what type(s) of plastic the toys are made from.”

This obviously takes a lot of work. Moreover, it might be beyond the dedication of the average citizen.

What other options are available for toy recycling?

To offer toy recycling options to our customers, Waster has partnered with Terracycle to provide Toy waste – Zero Waste Boxes.

You can check out how the service is described here:

“The collected waste is mechanically and/or manually separated into fabrics, metals, fibres, and plastics. Fabrics are reused, upcycled or recycled as appropriate. Metals are melted so they may be recycled. The fibres (such as paper or wood-based products) are recycled or composted. The plastics undergo extrusion and pelletization to be moulded into new recycled plastic products.”

What sort of waste is accepted?

“Toys or toy pieces, cards, dices, game boards, packaging from board games, books with sound, handheld electronic games and players, remote control vehicles, electronic stuffed animals, baby toys, building sets, stuffed animals, puzzle pieces, game pieces and action figures.”

What cannot be included in the Toy Zero Waste Box?

You may not include household hazardous waste such as lithium-ion batteries, pressurized canisters, pesticides, paint or medical sharps when trying to recycle your toys with the Zero Waste Box.

We offer the Toy recycling boxes in two sizes – small and medium.

When you order a box, it is sent via direct post. When you fill it with toys for recycling, you can return it via the stamp addressed and pre-paid postage.

Toys - Zero Waste Box

Toys - Zero Waste Box

Step-by-step instruction to ship off and recycle your toys with TerraCycle

Shipping it off is fairly easy. Once you get the box from us, here is what you should do to ship it off to TerraCycle:

  • Pick the box size you want to purchase – either small or medium for your old, unwanted or without-destination toys.
  •  Only put the appropriate type of waste here. In this case, only recycle (as mentioned above) toys or toy pieces, cards, dices, game boards, packaging from board games, books with sound, handheld electronic games and players, remote control vehicles, electronic stuffed animals, baby toys, building sets, stuffed animals, puzzle pieces, game pieces and action figures. More details will be discussed here in the next section below. 
  • After you filled it up with the appropriate items, you can then ship the box to TerraCycle. Use the pre-paid shipping label affixed to the TerraCycle box. Rest assured that your sent items are recycled properly and safely.

For your other waste and recycling needs: Waster’s services

Aside from helping you recycle your toys, Waster also offers other waste and recycling services.

All across Australia, you can find all sorts of waste management and recycling services providers. “How can I ensure that Waster, the waste management company with good reviews, will fulfil their services with efficiency?” Well, you will have to book and find out about our services!

Why should you pick Waster? Here are some reasons:

  1. You pay exactly what you asked for – and not a dollar more! For your waste management and recycling needs for your waste, avail of our flexible, 30-day contracts instead of those long, unproductive, and hidden fee-containing lock-in contracts.
  2. Designed for small and medium businesses – we help you reduce cost while boosting recycling. That’s a win-win situation!
  3. On-time and reliable – we provide fully accredited logistics and facility operators. By saying so, we ensure the safety and efficiency of our services.

Waster enables many Australian businesses to access the cheapest bin collection, removal and disposal prices there are in the Australian garbage market. A statement from our very own states that it “requires no lock-in contracts, no unjustified rate increases and no hidden costs and operates in all metro regions throughout Australia.

Conclusion: can toys be recycled?

Recycling toys is never easy, but using the Terracycle recycling boxes is probably the best option available in Australia in 2021 so that your toys can indeed be recycled.

You will never have to worry about your old and unused toys. We can accommodate them for you, take them out of your hands and help send them to TerraCycle.

For more information on Terracycle, see our blog on recycling boxes. You can also take a look at the Toy recycling box options here.

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