CenterPoint offers energy-saving products for free to its customers – Hot Springs Sentinel

Energy Disrupter

With Earth Day 2021 right around the corner, on April 22, CenterPoint Energy is honoring the day with a special offer to help its Arkansas customers save energy and reduce their carbon footprint, according to a news release from the utility.

“Home energy use accounts for roughly 20% of all U.S. greenhouse gas emissions,” the release said. “One effective way people can help the environment is by saving energy in their homes, which can also mean saving money on their utility bills.

“As a natural gas utility serving about 400,000 customers in Arkansas, CenterPoint Energy is committed to helping its customers improve their energy efficiency.”

To help, CenterPoint Energy’s Arkansas customers can request free low-flow shower heads, faucet aerators and hot water temperature gauge cards during April.

“With easy-to-install low-flow shower heads and faucet aerators, you can reduce your hot water use without sacrificing comfort,” the release said. “Just one low-flow showerhead and one faucet aerator can reduce the average family’s hot water use by more than 3,100 gallons in a single year, equal to about 86 tubs of water or 25 full days of hot water use.

“A hot water temperature gauge card can help you determine if your water heater is set at a temperature higher than needed. If the temperature is higher than 120 degrees, your water heater should be set lower.”

As an extra “Earth Day benefit,” a free packet of pollinator flower seeds will be shipped with orders, while supplies last.

All orders can be placed at Customers can request up to three shower heads, three aerators and one hot water temperature gauge card. Qualifiers must have a natural gas water heater.

Additionally, in the spirit of Earth Day, CenterPoint Energy is also encouraging customers to enroll in the paperless billing option.

“If you register for paperless billing during April 12-30, you will also receive a free pollinator flower seed packet, while supplies last,” the release said. “Thanks to customers who chose paperless billing in 2020, CenterPoint Energy saved about 271 tons of paper — equal to an estimated 5,976 trees and 249 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions.”

To sign up for paperless billing, or for more energy efficiency tips, visit

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