Framework agreement for OSS Design services
Energy Disrupter
To support the development of a joint substation concept and to prepare the necessary documentation for the tendering of offshore substations Elia Group has awarded KCI the engineers as her Platform Design Consultant.
Elia and 50Hertz will build offshore grid connections to connect offshore wind in Belgium and in Germany in the coming years.
The concept that Elia currently considers is to build multiple offshore AC 220kV platforms, within the Princess Elisabeth windfarm zone located approx. 50 km off the Belgian coastline. The platforms will include transformers to step-up the inter-array voltage of the wind turbines to 220 kV, eliminating the need for the wind farm owners to install a platform of their own.
50Hertz is responsible for the offshore grid connection for the Designated Offshore Windfarm Development Area O-1.3 including a 50Hertz owned and operated platform and a new substation onshore as part of the project Ostwind 3.
After her participation in the development of Elia’s MOG1, KCI the engineers is very grateful to be selected again for these great next developments of the Elia/ 50Hertz Group.
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