October Safety Campaign: Stand Tall

Energy Disrupter

October Safety Campaign: Stand Tall

The calendar flips to October today, and that means it’s time for AWEA’s annual safety campaign. This year the theme is “Stand Tall,” with a focus on sprains and strains from working in the nacelle. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), most-common non-fatal workplace injuries in 2019 were sprains, strains, and tears (approximately 35 incidents per 10,000 full-time workers). AWEA’s safety data shows the top injuries in the wind turbine generator (WTG) are sprains and strains from handling, lifting or carrying​.

Soft tissue injuries– sprains and strains– may be sudden (acute) or long-standing (chronic). The symptoms of a sprain or strain may include pain​, swelling​, stiffness​, and reduced efficiency of function. ​There are several ways to prevent sprains and strains:

  • Practicing safety measures to help prevent falls
  • Using good body mechanics when sitting, standing, and lifting
  • Exercising regularly, including dynamic stretching, to keep your joints flexible and your muscles in good condition.

Incorporating dynamic stretching reduces fatigue, increases blood supply and nutrients to joint structures and soft tissues, and decreases tightness and resistance in tendons and muscles.

Our campaign materials provide an overview of sprains and strains, symptoms, and ways to prevent injury. The campaign also addresses the ways dynamic stretching can support working in the nacelle. Campaign materials include:

  • On-Demand Webinar: Featuring Adam Simoes, Workplace Services Director, Occupational Therapist, County Physical Therapy, LLC​
  • Training material: PowerPoint presentation
  • Two hard hat stickers
  • Two posters
  • Fitness for Work Guidelines
  • Tasks in the Nacelle Video
  • Dynamic Stretching Video

Engage with your team throughout the month by watching our webinar together; downloading the materials and posting them on your company intranet; using the materials in your training and safety meetings; printing the posters and displaying them in common areas; and sharing the hard hat stickers with your team. While October maybe safety month, you can use these materials throughout the year. Stay safe out there—let’s work together to keep everyone healthy!

Original Source: https://www.aweablog.org/october-safety-campaign-stand-tall/