Repsol picks Stena Drilling Rig for Block 29, Mexico
Energy Disrupter
Spanish oil firm Repsol has awarded a drilling contract to offshore drilling contractor Stena Drilling for a drilling campaign in Mexico.
Repsol will use the Stena IceaMax drillship to drill next year in Block 29, in the Salina Basin, in Mexico’s deep water. Repsol operates the block, with its partners being Petronas, Wintershall Dea, and PTTEP. According to Bassoe Offshore, the contract is for one firm, and one optional well.
Back in May 2020, Repsol made two offshore oil discoveries in Block 29, with its Polok-1 and Chinwol-1 exploration wells. Both wells confirmed high-quality reservoirs with excellent properties, encountering net oil pay of 200 meters and 150 meters respectively.
According to Stena Drilling, under the contract awarded to the Stena IceMax, the offshore drilling program is expected to begin in May/June 2021.
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