Off the grid … ThinkGeoEnergy taking a break to be back after July 19, 2020
Energy Disrupter
Recharging our batteries, ThinkGeoEnergy is taking a summer break. You will find us recharged and energized back after July 19, 2020.
… or at least that is the plan this summer, just like every year.
With the summer in full swing everywhere, ThinkGeoEnergy will be taking the next 3 weeks off and you will not find any new news here on the site. We aim to be back with news reporting after July 19, 2020 with the next newsletter to then arrive back in your inboxes on July 28, 2020.
Traditionally it has been difficult to source news during the summer. With a completely off the rails news cycle, businesses going through all kinds of difficulties etc. things have not been easy. Like many others, I have also experienced some fatigue off online meetings, numerous webinars without the so crucial human interaction in person.
Now, I normally would write about the upcoming autumn (northern hemisphere), spring (southern hemisphere) and the conferences planned. But who knows if these events will be held or in what format. Nothing seems to be normal anymore. So we all will have to adapt.
For now, I wish you all a pleasant summer and make sure to drop us any news you would like to be covered by us. Will be though trying to use the time for some “geothermal” photos from Iceland, so check things out on our Instagram account.
Alexander Richter, Founder & Editor ThinkGeoEnergy