Turkish Ministry publishes investment guide for geothermal greenhouse projects

Balikesir Gönen Agriculture Based Specialized Greenhouse Organized Industrial Zone (source: Gönen TDIOSB) The Turkish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has

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Introduction meeting held for geothermal greenhouse project in Kayseri, Türkiye

Introduction meeting for Geothermal-Sourced TDIOSB in Kayseri, Turkiye (source: IHA) An introduction meeting was held on the planned geothermal agricultural

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Geothermal NOW – EGEC publishes geothermal manifesto for Europe

EU flags (source: flickr/ mihisdesign, creative commons) EGEC has published the “Geothermal NOW” manifesto outlining an action plan for regulators

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Bukotermal starts design, permitting for geothermal power project in Croatia

Having acquired the necessary property, Bukotermal is now at the designing and permitting phase of a geothermal power project in

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