OceanXpress provides next level crew change solution

Energy Disrupter

General – joint venture

Damen Shipyards and Ampelmann have established the joint venture OceanXpress to provide offshore crew change solutions in The North Sea area.

This collaboration will see the introduction of a new service to the offshore access market that neatly combines the engineering feats of Damen’s Fast Crew Supplier (FCS) 7011 Aqua Helix with the S-type motion compensated gangway system.

The vessel and gangway system have successfully passed offshore commissioning and will now start offering services to the offshore energy market.

Continuing years of cooperation, the joint venture OceanXpress was established on 11 April 2022.

Both partners will provide full logistical support to the operations of Aqua Helix and the S-type as a fully integrated crew supply solution for clients in the North Sea energy market.

Experienced crew from Wagenborg Offshore will navigate the vessel along platforms. The fast and comfortable vessel can transport up to 120 people at once and the height adjustable gangway will facilitate rapid crew changes to and from Aqua Helix, allowing it to service multiple offshore installations during its tour.

On the photo OceanXpress joint venture signing from left to right:
Johan de Haas  (Operational Manager Aqua Helix), Diederik van Rappard (CFO Ampelmann), Martin de Bruin (Managing Director Damen Workboats), Arnout Damen (CEO Damen Shipyards), Jan van der Tempel (Co-founder and CEO of Ampelmann), Erik van Sliedregt (Sales Area Consultant Benelux, Damen Shipyards), Maichel van Nauta Lemke (Business Development Manager Ampelmann).

Original Source: https://ocean-energyresources.com/2022/04/29/oceanxpress-provides-next-level-crew-change-solution/