10 Ways to Go Green with Your Pet Care

Energy Disrupter

Image by Dimitri Houtteman from Pixabay

It’s time for people to seriously think about living wisely to preserve the natural environment since our activities directly affect the climate crisis. Actions such as waste sorting and waste reduction are gaining attention, though the negative impact our pets have on the planet may go unnoticed.

However, about a billion domestic dogs and cats in the world eat billions of pounds of meat and grains a year and generate half a billion pounds of waste every day. Along with Telecomasia.net*, below are 10 tips on how pet owners can rethink their pets’ impact on the environment.

1. Control Waste

Dog excrement contains phosphorus and nitrogen, which are harmful to marine life, as well as air pollutants. For this reason, you must always pick up after your pet, and consider using biodegradable waste bags for your pet. Then just throw it all into the trash can. Of course, the best way is to flush the feces down the toilet without a bag, if this is allowed in your area. The same applies to litter boxes for cats. After all, cat litters often do not dissolve in the soil, so if your cat goes outside, it’s important to pick up after your cat.

2. Buy Pet Food in Bulk 

Buying pet food in bulk reduces the resources spent on frequent shopping trips. It also reduces packaging waste. Bulk shopping is becoming increasingly popular, so check your local natural market to see if bulk pet food (and even treats) is available.

Image by Tatiane Vasconcelos Taty from Pixabay

3. Get Your Pet Fixed

Neutering/spaying your pet reduces overcrowding in shelters and stray animals. This saves a lot of food, energy, and resources. Also, it eliminates the possibility abuse some animals may encounter before entering the shelter. This step has several benefits for the pet itself, including reducing the risk of cancer. 

4. Adopt a Pet From a Shelter

Adopting an animal from a shelter gives him or her a new chance. After all, why buy a pet from a pet store or breeder when there are already many, many cats and dogs in the world waiting in shelters for adoption? Though purebred animals are popular, mixed breeds often found in shelters tend to be more resilient and have fewer health issues, as purebred animals require inbreeding to keep the breeds pure.

5. Make Your Own Pet toys

Why provoke the negative impact on the environment associated with the mass production of toys for pets when you can DIY pet toys? Repurposing household items or something you might have otherwise thrown out can be fun for you and your pet, and reduce household waste.

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6. Think About Wildlife

Domestic animal predation is a direct threat to wildlife. In the United States alone, cats kill about 2.4 billion wild birds each year. Not to mention there are lizards, chipmunks, mice, frogs, and even small snakes that fall victim to house pets. 

If you allow your pet to go outside, ensure reduced chance for predation of small animals by utilizing muzzles, bells, and other devices. Also, do not install bird feeders in your yard if you allow your cat roam outside the house.

7. Feed Your Pet Wisely

Cats and dogs eat a lot of meat, which this harms the environment, but not as badly as one might think. This is due to the fact that animal feed is often made from meat by-products that humans will not eat. 

However, try to buy large packs of food if possible, or shop in bulk, as with #2 above. Use offal, not meat that people eat. Avoid canned food, and consider organic products. Also, keep an eye on intake quantities – only feed the amount the brand recommends. Almost half of pets are obese. 

8. Make Your Treats

Continuing with the previous topic, it is advisable to prepare food for your pet yourself, such as making porridge or baking homemade treats. After all, this way you will reduce the amount of packing waste and be able to influence what your pet eats. Though ensure your pet is getting the proper nutrients it needs if you decide to make your own pet food.

9. Use Natural Cat Litter

Cat litter is not decomposable, so it is better to use litter made of organic materials such as corn-based litter, which is easy to dispose of. Check your pet store for cleaner, less toxic litter.

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10. Use Eco-Conscious Shampoo and Grooming Products

There are many pet products made from vegetable, natural, or environmentally friendly materials. Shop for earth-friendly shampoo, anti-flea products, and grooming needs to reduce the impact on the planet at bath time.  Your pet and the planet will thank you!

*This post is supported by Telecomasia.net and Julia Gahan

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