Monopile and transition piece installation Vineyard Wind 1
Energy Disrupter
Wind Energy – Vineyard Wind USA
On or about October 28, 2024, the vessel ORION will begin installing the remaining Monopile Foundations (MPs) within the Vineyard Wind 1 Wind Development Area (WDA).

Before installation, the POLARIS and HOS RUGER will be working to deploy and recover a Double Big Bubble Curtain (DBBC) system around pile driving operations. A bubble curtain is comprised of a large, perforated hose, coupled with specialized air compressors, that create a barrier of bubbles to dampen and absorb sound.
Before each pile driving operation, the DBBC will be deployed on the seafloor, tested, and activated before the arrival of the ORION. The DBBC hoses will be deployed in two pre-determined rings around the foundation position. Installation of each bubble curtain will take approximately 2-4 hours. After completion of pile driving activities, the DBBC gear will be recovered by the POLARIS and HOS RUGER and brought to the next foundation installation location.

Once an individual MP installation is complete, the DEME’s SEA CHALLENGER will be installing accompanying Transition Pieces on to MP sites. This work will begin at the beginning of November.
Operations will be supported by the support vessels GO FREEDOM, GO PATRIOT, GO GLORY.
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