Registration & sponsorship open – 1st Ecuadorian geothermal forum, 21 November 2024
Energy Disrupter
Registration and sponsorship opportunities are open for Geotermia Ecuador 2024, the 1st Ecuadorian geothermal forum, taking place on 21 November 2024.
The Ecuadorian Geothermal Association (AGE), together with WING-Ec, Flor Bustamante Pizarro & Hurtado and the College of Engineers of CIGMIPA, is pleased to present the first Ecuadorian geothermal forum entitled “Geotermia Ecuador 2024: Promoting the Development of the New Energy Industry / Impulsando el Desarrollo de la Nueva Industria Energética”.
The event will take place on November 21, 2024 in Quito, Ecuador and will bring together key professionals from the energy industry to address issues such as financing mechanisms, development of a regulatory framework, and the implementation of national policy instruments to promote geothermal energy in Ecuador.
Click here to register for the event. The cost for registration is $25.
Sponsorship opportunities for the event are also available. Click here to sponsor.
Ecuador has made some important steps in developing a local geothermal industry, with current efforts notable centred around the Chachimbiro geothermal site. Very recently, Ecuador secured a $43 million loan from the Japanese government to help in the development of the geothermal project in Chachimbiro, targeting an installed capacity of 50 MW.
Source: Email correspondence via our Spanish language platform PiensaGeotermia