Boskalis installed Processing Platform topside

Energy Disrupter

Fossil Energy – Installation

Boskalis’ semi-submersible heavy transport vessel Forte installed the Gallaf GE Central Processing Platform (CPP) topside at its final destination, the Al Shaheen field offshore Qatar, according to the company’s release.

Source: Boskalis.

This was done through a DP float-over operation in which Forte positioned the CCP topside between the legs of the pre-installed jacket. By ballasting the vessel, the CCP topside was then mated on the jacket. 

A special feature of Forte’s transport and installation project is that the 17,818-ton topside is the heaviest cargo ever loaded on this vessel using the skid-on method.

This involves ‘sliding’ the CPP topside sideways from the quayside onto the vessel’s deck via a rail.

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