Floating substation installed at French Pilot Project site
Energy Disrupter
Wind Energy – Floating Electrical Hub
Bourbon Subsea Services installed a floating electrical hub (FEH) at the EolMed pilot floating wind farm site in France in Autumn 2023, the company said in a press release on 9 January.

The FEH will be connected to the project’s three floating wind turbines on one side and to the export cable on the other to enable the electricity that will be produced by the 30 MW floating wind farm to be transported to the power grid.
The company has been working on the EolMed project under an EPCI contract signed in 2022, which covers the floating electrical hub, inter-array cables, as well as anchoring and mooring systems for the floating wind farm.
Original Source: https://ocean-energyresources.com/2024/01/09/floating-substation-installed-at-french-pilot-project-site/