Drilling completed for Delft geothermal project, Netherlands
Energy Disrupter
Drilling has been completed for the Geothermie Delft project in the Netherlands, and the project is set to progress to the construction of a heating network.
The drilling of a doublet for a geothermal project in the grounds of the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) in the Netherlands has officially been completed. The derrick will now be demobilized as the project progresses to decision-making on the heating network and other surface facilities.
Geothermie Delft is a project by partners Shell Geothermal, Energie Beheer Nederland (EBN), TU Delft, and Aardyn. Aside from providing a source of renewable heat for the university and the districts, the geothermal project will serve as a research facility to gather data and generate more accurate simulations, thus reducing the risk for future geothermal projects. Drilling for Geothermie Delft started in June of this year.
A total of 80 core samples were collected during drilling. These cores will help researchers at TU Delft better characterize the subsurface geology and the geothermal resource.

Early results from the drilling have been promising. According to Serge Santoo of Geothermie Delft, the water pumped from the Delft Sandstone formation has a temperate of 78 °C. Approximately 400 cubic meters of thermal water can be extracter per hour. According to TU Delft, the geothermal resource tapped under Delfgauw will be able to supply the district heating needs of Delft for 30 years. The temperature will still be boosted by a heat pump before the thermal water is supplied to Voorhof and Buitenhof.
There is still plenty of work to be done as the heating network is yet to be constructed. The network will consist of an outward transport from Rotterdamseweg to the Delft districts and a return transport running in the opposite direction. In the coming period, Netverder will work on the decision-making and construction of the heating network in the city.
Source: Geothermie Delft and Omroep Delft