Consultation opens on fourth development zone off Illawarra coast
Energy Disrupter
Wind Energy – Australia
The federal government has opened consultation on Australia’s fourth offshore wind energy development zone, and the second for New South Wales, proposing an area of more than 1,400 square kilometres off the coast of the state’s Illawarra region.

The zone being proposed extends from off the coast of Wombarra, a northern suburb of Wollongong, south to waters off Gerringong, and would be located between 10km to 30km out to sea.
Federal energy minister Chris Bowen says the Illawarra has been earmarked for its strong offshore wind resource, major port infrastructure and role as an industrial and manufacturing hub.
Bowen says the draft development zone could host up to 4.2GW of offshore wind capacity to help transition the region – which hosts Australia’s largest crude steel production plant at Port Kembla – from coal to renewables.
“Offshore wind is energy rich and jobs rich but despite having some of the best wind resources in the world, Australia doesn’t currently have any offshore wind,” the minister said on Monday. “This presents a huge economic opportunity for the regions that help power Australia – like the Illawarra, to continue to power our nation for generations to come.”
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