Geothermal heating to be tested in Würzburg, Germany

Energy Disrupter

Drilling of a test well for a proposed geothermal heating system for a school in Gaukönigshofen in Würzburg, Germany has been completed.

The drilling of an 80-meter test well for geothermal heating in the Rupert-Egenberger School in the municipality of Gaukönigshofen in Würzburg, Germany has been completed. The project will now proceed to testing of the well using a geothermal probe, the results of which will be used to determine the requirements for late use of a heat pump.

The decision of the district council of Würzburg to build the new building for the Rupert-Egenberger School was made in 2021. The preparatory work for the construction of the building is now in full swing with a target date of groundbreaking by autumn 2023.

District Administrator Thomas Eberth was happy with the completion of the test drilling and is now looking forward to the results of the measurements. Eberth also mentioned that the potential geothermal project is a step toward the goal of the district of Würzburg to achieve 100% self-sufficiency with regionally generated renewable energy.

The heat pump for the proposed geothermal system in the Rupert-Egenberger School will be operated using electricity generated completely from renewable sources. This technology has long been used in Würzburg, particularly in the air conditioning or heating of public buildings and schools.

Compared to solar and wind, geothermal is still very sparsely utilized in the region. “Here in Gaukönigshofen, we are taking another important step towards the energy transition. And with geothermal energy, we have an additional component with which we know that the Gaukönigshofen school location will be well-positioned for a longer period of time,” concluded Eberth.

Source: Landkreis Würzburg