PNG energy authority includes geothermal in priority agenda
Energy Disrupter
Geothermal energy is considered the top renewable energy priority in Papua New Guinea as the country continues to expand electricity coverage.
The National Energy Authority (NEA) of Papua New Guinea (PNG) has included geothermal as part of the agency’s priority agenda to ensure that the country attains the National Energy Policy target of supplying electricity to 70% of households by 2030. To this end, the NEA is already in preliminary discussions with industry players for geothermal development plans.
NEA Managing Director Ronald Meketa said that there is now a master plan signed between Australia-based Fortescue Future Industries (FFI) and the Government of PNG for the development of the Bialla geothermal energy site. This site is located within the West New Britain (WNB) province, which has some of the most active hot springs in the Pacific Ring of Fire. This is likely part of the comprehensive agreement signed between the parties in 2021 for hydropower and geothermal projects.
NEA is also working with PNG Power Ltd. (PPL) and other independent power producers to increase electricity coverage with more transmission lines and electricity generation. The lack of electricity remains an issue in many areas in PNG, affecting the socioeconomic landscape and hampering the livelihood of the people.
Source: Post Courier