Vena Energy moves forward with 2GW offshore wind plan in Victoria

Energy Disrupter

The project – first earmarked by the company in 2017 – will be developed in four 500MW stages, with construction commencing in 2028 If granted planning permission, the company said.

The offshore wind farm will comprise up to 140 fixed-foundation turbines, each expected to be 16-21MW in capacity. Each stage will comprise up to 35 turbines, the firm says.

The project will be located at least 23km from the coast in water depths up to 55m, limiting the visibility of the wind turbines from land and mitigating any potential impacts to marine habitats, according to Vena Energy.

When completed, it is expected to generate up to 10TWh of energy annually, enough power to supply around 20% of Victoria’s forecast electricity needs in 2040.

The project will require approval from the Commonwealth for components located in Commonwealth waters, as well as approval from Victoria’s state government for project components located in state waters and onshore. Victoria has set an offshore wind target of 9GW by 2040 and the state’s Bass Strait off Gippsland is set to be Australia’s first official offshore wind zone.

“Recent changes in regulation and market landscape has highlighted the importance of offshore wind as a large-scale renewable energy source that has the potential to deliver improved security of supply, greater diversity in the energy mix, and better outcomes for electricity consumers,” Owen Sela, head of Vena Energy in Australia said.

He added that Blue Marlin will make significant contributions to the economy throughout its lifespan, generating increased business and employment opportunities. The company also says it supports a local procurement policy and promotes participation from local, regional, and Australian suppliers wherever possible, and “is committed to developing the capacity of local businesses and the required skills base, to support the offshore wind industry in Victoria”.

Last month, Vena Energy said it plans to submit two projects totalling 1.8GW in Taiwan’s next tender round.