What Can (And Can’t) Go In Your Nappy And Sanitary Waste Bin? 🚻
Energy Disrupter
What Can Go In Your Nappy And Sanitary Waste Bin? 🚻: Avoid making preventable disposal mistakes by reading this blog! Waster provides small and medium businesses with a comprehensive guide on what they should expect when they get its nappy and sanitary waste bin service.
New or old, Waster congratulates businesses on a job well done! Whatever state a business is in, it is always a good idea to brainstorm and implement anything that can make it better. We always say that, along with continuously refining operations, businesses must ensure that they dispose of or recycle their waste correctly.
A clean washroom, in particular, makes all the difference. A business that has an establishment where customers enter all the time should have a hygienic washroom. In our nappy waste collection blog, we mentioned the following harmful effects of having a dirty washroom:
Harmful effects of a poorly-maintained and dirty washroom
- Contracting different kinds of diseases – having a dirty washroom equates to negative health effects for people. As many of us know, toilets and washrooms are breeding places for germs and bacteria. Catching them may result in contracting diseases like UTI (urinary tract infection), STI (sexually transmitted infections), and many more adverse effects. All of this could be avoided with proper sanitation.
- Lose customers – you read that right! If you are a business owner, having a dirty washroom may result in you losing customers. In fact, this may not only make you customers, but it may also make you lose some workers, too. Being a good business owner means looking out for the needs of the people around you, and in this case, making sure to avail a nappy waste collection service that benefits you, the workers, and the customers.
Businesses should not have to worry about that anymore as Waster offers its nappy and sanitary waste bin services. Assuming that you have already acquired this type of service from us, then we have much to talk about. But even if you haven’t yet, you will still want to learn what we talk about below.
In this blog, we cover what you both can and can’t throw in the nappy and sanitary bin. In addition, for those who have yet to book our services, we discuss how we can help your small or medium business by laying out our nappy and sanitary waste bin service. Stick around and read on to learn more.
Learning who Waster is and what it can do for businesses
Before we go further with what a business can and can’t put in their nappy and sanitary waste bin and more, let me share with you more information about Waster.
>Download Now: Free PDF Business Owners Guide To Sanitary Bin Services
If your business is based in Australia, partnering up with Waster will prove to be beneficial for your business. Here, I enumerate to you what we bring to the table in terms of providing quality waste and recycling services. This gives you a background of what advantages you have acquired now that you’ve partnered with us and availed of our nappy and sanitary waste bin service.
- You pay exactly what you asked for – and not a dollar more! For your waste management and recycling needs, avail of our flexible, 30-day contracts instead of those long, unproductive and hidden fee-containing lock-in contracts.
- Designed for small and medium businesses – we help you reduce costs while boosting recycling. That’s a win-win situation!
- On-time and reliable – we provide fully-accredited logistics and facility operators. By saying so, we ensure the safety and efficiency of our services.
As such, in the waste management industry, problems are bound to rise like in any other business. If such issues arise in regards to our service, you can talk to our friendly customer service team.
Click on the blue button to learn more.
READ NOW: What Can Go In Your Medical Waste Bin? ⚕️
Now, we move on to what you can and can’t put in your nappy and sanitary waste bin.
Waster: here’s what you can and can’t put in your nappy and sanitary waste bin
Hygiene matters, so businesses have to make sure to keep their washrooms clean so customers will happily return. Installing nappy and sanitary waste bins is a good step to having a hygienic washroom – and Waster is here to provide businesses with that. Waster offers its nappy and sanitary waste bin service for both small and medium businesses (SMEs). Assuming that you’ve acquired our service, we want to give you a comprehensive discussion that you must remember.
Nappy bins, as the name suggests, can and should only contain nappies. Soiled or not, they can go in the nappy bin. Female sanitary bins, on the other hand, collect sanitary pads. Do not attempt to throw any other type of waste except for those mentioned.
More on our nappy and sanitary waste bin service
As mentioned, we offer medical or clinical waste bin collection services. Waster offers 55-litre nappy waste bins and 22-litre sanitary waste bins.
Most notably, we recommend nappy waste bins to almost any kind of business such as childcare centres, care homes, shopping centres, kindergartens, schools, hotels and restaurants. Similarly, Waster recommends sanitary waste bins to almost any kind of business – whatever business one can think of.

Our nappy waste bins are easy operating manual units. The bins contain strong fragrant granules to disguise the smell of soiled nappies.
Our nappy disposal bin units are thoroughly sanitised and cleaned at our depot by our trained personnel using environmentally friendly sanitising methods.
Whilst on the customer site, our staff will keep the units fresh with antibacterial wipes, scented granules and scented bags which ensures a fresh environment.
As for the sanitary waste bins, they can provide either manual or automatic sanitary units for businesses. Automatic units provide an enhanced level of hygiene.
Smaller offices or businesses with fewer workers often have one sanitary waste bin service every 4 weeks. But how often the collection occurs depends on the agreed-upon set schedule. It could be weekly, fortnightly etc. This reduces the work requirements for your staff or cleaners.

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Contact Waster right now for your waste and recycling needs now!
Does your Australian-based business need waste and recycling services? If so, then you have come to the right website!
Please call 1300 WASTER (1300 927 837). You can also email us at [email protected] or [email protected] if you have further questions. Find the best deals in terms of waste and recycling pricing and services!