Shell moves forward with 200MW electrolyser called Holland Hydrogen I

Energy Disrupter

General – Hydrogen Plant

Earlier this week, Prime Minister Mark Rutte of The Netherlands and Shell CEO Ben van Beurden officially launched the Holland Hydrogen 1 plant.

By activating what looked like a light saber, they magically brought the vision of this incredible project to live on a big screen.

Holland Hydrogen 1 will be the biggest green hydrogen plant in Europe – by a significant margin.

It is a gamechanger in the development of a hydrogen economy in Europe and will help to kickstart the use of clean hydrogen in industry and for heavy duty transport.

Mark Rutte said: “This is a great day for Shell, for the government, but more importantly for The Netherlands. He continued: The transformation that is needed offers great opportunities and The Netherlands is a crucial springboard for this transformation. Let’s work together to ensure that Holland Hydrogen 1 will be followed by number 2 very soon.”

Ben van Beurden agreed on the need for collaboration: “Holland Hydrogen 1 is a result of a partnership with more than 150 organisations, including government, suppliers, scientists, and communities. Let’s continue this partnership to hopefully deliver more electrolysers in The Netherlands.”

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