Diyarbakir Municipality in Turkiye plans to explore geothermal in Sur
Energy Disrupter
Diyarbakir Metropolitan Municipality will search for a geothermal resource by drilling a borehole in its own license area located in the Carikli neighbourhood of Diyarbakir Sur district.
Diyarbakir Municipality is planning to search for geothermal resources by drilling a borehole in its own license area located in the Carikli neighbourhood of Diyarbakir, Sur district. The municipality has started work to find geothermal resources in the project carried out on its own 10-hectare area.
The Metropolitan Municipality applied for a license to the Governor’s Office to search for geothermal resources in the Carikli District of Sur district in November 2021 and received a positive response.
Within the scope of the project, drilling of the well is planned to a depth of 2200 meters. If the geothermal resource is reached and a positive result is obtained after the end of the exploration works, the wellbore will be closed using a valve and controlled. After the exploration, research and development studies related to the fluid will be conducted. The well is then expected to be used either for tourism or agricultural purposes depending on the mineral values and temperature.
Source: Enerji Gunlugu via our Turkish language platform JeotermalHaberler