Loading of first 4 jacket foundations of Saint-Brieuc OWF

Energy Disrupter

Wind Energy – Saint-Brieuc

Ailes Marines announced the loading on barge of the first 4 jacket foundations that will support the 62 wind turbines of 8 MW Siemens Gamesa of the Saint-Brieuc offshore wind farm.

This is the latest step in a successful and pioneering project for the Navantia, S.M.E Windar Renovables consortium that mobilized its teams at the Brest sites in France and Fene in Spain.

The components of the 62 jacket foundations were partly built and assembled on the Brest polder by the company Navantia, S.M.E Windar Renovables and Fene (Spain).

The jacket foundations of 1150 tons and a height of 75 m composed of 3 feet of 25 meters side, will be installed on the barge Sarens Caroline mobilized by Van Oord which will proceed to their installation on the site.

Photo credit: Ailes Marines, Navantia Seanergies

Original Source: https://ocean-energyresources.com/2022/06/03/loading-of-first-4-jacket-foundations-of-saint-brieuc-owf/