44th NZ Geothermal Workshop, Auckland – Nov. 23-25, 2022
Energy Disrupter
The 44th NZ Geothermal Workshop will be held onsite in Auckland/ New Zealand November 23-25, 2022.
The New Zealand Geothermal Workshop has announced that the 44th New Zealand Geothermal Workshop will take place in Auckland at Waipapa Taumata Rau, the University of Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand, from 23-25th November 2022.
The Geothermal Institute organising team are bubbling with optimism and planning an enthralling hybrid event. We know the geothermal community is extremely eager to connect and share progress face-to-face. It has been too long!
The event will feature keynote speakers from Africa, Asia and Aotearoa.
The organisers want to hear what you think . . . .
- What will the future bring?
- Will New Zealand achieve its goal of a 50% emission reduction by the end of the decade?
- What will the role of geothermal be in that?
- Are we on target to be an expanding key player in the New Zealand renewable energy system?
- What commercial partnerships are critical to accelerating geothermal development?
- What can we offer and learn from geothermal research and development globally?
The Workshop is a wonderful opportunity for updates on geothermal projects both in New Zealand and around the world.
Ready to roll and contribute to the exciting programme?
Get ready to register and submit your abstracts!
NZGW Organising Committee:
- Sadiq J. Zarrouk
- John O’Sullivan
- Bridget Lynne
- Mike O’Sullivan
- Michael Gravatt
PS: Although the plan is to run the 44th NZGW as a hybrid event with the in-person portion in Auckland, provisions are made for changing the event format to fully virtual should the COVID-19 pandemic intervene again. The 23-25 November dates will remain unchanged. The final format decision will be made on Friday 21st October 2022 and communicated.
As planning continues we will communicate all updates via email and website notices on www.geothermalworkshop.co.nz
Also join the NZ Geothermal Workshop on Social Media: Linkedin