27th JFES Annual Symposium – 13 to 16 September 2022
Energy Disrupter
The 27th JFES Annual Symposium will be held in hybrid format on 13-16 September 2022 with a special session focusing on geothermal.
The Japan Formation Evaluation Society (JFES) will be holding their annual symposium on 13-16 September 2022. The symposium will be in hybrid format with the Japan Oil, Gas, and Metals National Cooperation – Technology and Research Center (JOGMEC – TRC), Chiba as onsite venue. The special session will focus on geothermal.
Eight speakers have been invited to the symposium:
- Dr. Hiroshi Asanuma (Fukushima Renewable Energy Institute) – Outline of research on supercritical geothermal power generation
- Dr. Finna Christi Lingkan (INPEX Corporation) – Geothermal development between Japan and Indonesia
- Pres. Paul von Hirtz (Thermochem) – Development of high-temperature logging tools for multi-phase wellbore sampling, PTS, and in-site pH measurements
- Mr. Peter Bauman (Eavor) – Formation evaluation of deep reservoirs for closed-loop geothermal development, examples from North America
- Dr. Carolyn Seto (IHS Boston) – Pathways for advancing geothermal deployment
- Prof. Roland N. Horne (Stanford University) – Geothermal electricity in a high renewable grid
- Dr. Kasumi Yasukawa (Geothermal Unit, JOGMEC & Chair, IEA-GEA) – Geothermal development and environment – studies in Japan and around
- Pres. Andy Blair (IGA) – The geothermal future
Details on the online component of the event will be released in the future. The event is currently still open for sponsorship.
Source: JFES