NZGA launches GeoHeat Action Plan 2022-2023

Energy Disrupter

NZGA launches GeoHeat Action Plan 2022-2023 Rotorua geothermal spring, New Zealand (source: flickr/ Stuck in Customs, creative commons)

The GeoHeat action plan lays out a strategy for the adoption of geothermal heat direct use for industrial and commercial projects in New Zealand.

The New Zealand Geothermal Association (NZGA) has launched its new Geoheat Action Plan this week, which focuses on the direct use of geothermal heat for industrial and commercial scale projects.

The Action Plan is the third in a series advancing the Geoheat Strategy for Aotearoa and identifies six priority actions for the 2022-2023 period; to communicate, advocate, showcase, represent, partner and advance geoheat. These priorities are intended to raise awareness and support for geoheat opportunities, ultimately converting business interest into tangible development projects.

The focus of the 2022-2023 Geoheat Action Plan is to increase the use of geoheat by industrial or commercial enterprises in central North Island locations, where geothermal energy is already a well-established, low-carbon energy option.

NZGA Chief Executive and Amplify Board Member Kennie Tsui says geothermal resources play a critical role in transitioning to a low-emissions, climate resilient Aotearoa. “Aotearoa must step up as a climate leader, strengthen our emissions reduction and place Tiriti o Waitangi and equity at the heart of our climate response.

“The tools to achieve internationally significant change are within our borders, we must be brave and embrace them to ensure that we can meet our net-zero targets.

“It has never been more important, at a time when low-carbon, off-grid renewable energy is a rapidly growing area for investment, to better position geothermal heat in this landscape.

“Geothermal is Aotearoa New Zealand’s heritage, a crucial energy source today, poised to play an even greater role in our low carbon energy future.

“Here in Taup?, we sit at the heart of this opportunity. Industrial-scale geothermal heat is already available at several developed steam fields within the district, with companies like Tenon, Nature’s Flame and Miraka tapped in to this heat source for processing. And there is even greater capacity for further commercial and industrial use of geoheat”

This Action Plan is intended for use by national, regional and local government decision and policy makers, consultants, investors, funders and, most importantly, industries and businesses looking for a sustainable, cost-effective source of low- carbon heat.

Businesses needing process heat and keen to learn more about locations and suppliers of geothermal heat in the Taup? District can contact the Amplify Geothermal Cluster Lead, Fiona Miller, for details.

More details on the strategy are available on the GeoHeat webpage. The actual GeoHeat Action Plan document can be accessed via this link.

Source: New Zealand Geothermal Association