Sign up today to save money and energy with a free Home Energy Efficiency Kit – Buckrail
Energy Disrupter

These kits are made free to you paid for with energy conservation funding and are designed to conserve energy, reduce your energy bill, and increase the comfort in your home. Photo: Alexander Jawfox
JACKSON, Wyo. — For a limited time, sign-up for your last chance to get Energy Conservation Works’ free Home Energy Efficiency Kit!
The Energy Efficiency Kit includes:
- 14 LED lightbulbs of varying sizes
- 1 advanced power strip
- 1 low-pressure valve shower
- 1 kitchen and 1 bath aerator
To sign-up, you must use the account holder’s name on your household’s Lower Valley Energy account. To sign-up online click here or sign-up in person at the Rec Center on the following dates:
- Tuesday, Feb. 15: 4 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
- Tuesday, Feb. 22: 4 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
An Energy Conservation Works staff member will have a sign-up sheet located in the main lobby with Energy Efficiency Kits on hand for pick up.
These kits are made free to you paid for with energy conservation funding and are designed to conserve energy, reduce your energy bill, and increase the comfort in your home. This funding is through Lower Valley’s partnership with our electricity provider, Bonneville Power Administration (BPA). We want to thank Lower Valley Energy’s continued commitment to energy conservation and efficiency programs like the Energy Efficiency Kits that help each of us save energy and money.
We would also like to thank our partners for this round of Energy Efficiency Kit sign-ups: One22 and the Teton County Rec Center. One22 has been instrumental in translating our materials into Spanish as well as coordinating this program. A big thanks to the Rec Center as well for coordinating the program and allowing us to hand out kits at the Rec Center!
Have any questions about the kits? Reach out to or call (307)-413-8340.
ECW’s mission is to provide leadership, engagement, and implementation, specific to energy conservation, energy efficiency, renewable energy, and reductions in emissions.
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