Finland launches developer selection process for 1.3-GW OWF
Energy Disrupter

Wind Energy – Finland
Finnish state-owned company Metsähallitus Group has launched the developer selection process for the 1.3-GW Korsnäs project, set to become Finland’s first large-scale offshore wind farm.
Both domestic and international companies or consortiums can put themselves forward to develop, construct and operate the wind farm.
After bid submissions, a short list of parties will enter a second round in which they submit a binding offer. Then the preferred party is selected, likely next year.
Metsähallitus will remain involved as a co-developer and lessor of the seabed.
The company emphasized the importance of local engagement. “The partner must also have the ability to work on a project that involves many stakeholders at different levels of Finnish society given the project’s national importance to achieve the country’s renewable energy targets,” Metsähallitus said.
Finland is targeting a 50% share of renewables in its power mix by 2030. The project would deliver the equivalent of about half of Finland’s current wind power, the company said.
Korsnäs was approved in the autumn of 2020 and commercial operation is expected to begin in 2028 at the earliest. The site, in the Ostrobothnia area off Finland’s western coast not far from Sweden, has ideal wind conditions with average speeds over 9 meters per second, Metsähallitus said last year. Water in the area is between 10 and 30 meters deep, but icy conditions may require more bespoke technical solutions than projects in the western European North Sea.
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